Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Building Families

Registering for Golf and Serious Walking

The agency I work for (Christian Adoption Services) held its annual Golf and Walkathon to raise money for the new building this past weekend. It was a great time to see some of the board members, foster parents, field workers and all of the others that help touch lives every day and bring families together.

Jordan, Makayla, Landon, Michele and Ethan pose for a photo before starting the Fun Walk

Several families attended that had just received placement this year. What a joy to see the new
little ones and to see how happy they are.

Poor Dana was in charge of the activities for the kiddos, which normally she would have loved, but on this day she was recovering from a kidney infection, and she was in some serious pain. She still did a great job keeping the kiddos happy!
Dana and her husband are foster parents for the agency and have loved on over 50 newborns in their care in the past four years.

Lead foot!

I never saw Gretchen when she wasn't on this cart. Who knows what she was doing...
I know I saw the golf car on two wheels once or twice..

My friends. Little did I know Dana and Joy had a big secret they were keeping from me. *Rascals!*

I believe it was a wonderful day for CAS. They ended up raising quite a bit of money, and this will surely help in the future to have a building that will house the staff and minister to the birthparents and adoptive families comfortably.

It is not too late to donate, if you wish. Just click on the link in the sidebar and check it out.

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"May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the mighty Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace" Numbers 6:24-26