Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Its been a whirlwind of fun.........

We have covered some ground in the past few days...

The girls and I headed out to Greenville Saturday for Landon to compete in a Jr. Olympics skills competition for track and field.
Who knew she was a runner and a jumper? I still laugh when I think about how I tried to discourage her from competing in our district competition...she won at that level and then again in the regionals. Ha! Way to go mom! I sure blew it. It has been great to see her venture into an arena that I know NOTHING about. Hope she doesn't need any coaching...she'll have to call Auntie Mariel or Auntie Cheryl on that one!! Can I get an amen?
Straight from there we drove to Lynchburg, VA to say our goodbyes to the children from the choir as they sang their final concert for World Help this year. All three teams were singing at Thomas Road Baptist Church (Jerry Falwell's) in both of the services. It was so awesome to see some of the kids who have been so far away on the West coast all year. We also enjoyed touring Liberty University and planting seeds in Aus and Lu's mind about the future. :-) I would LOVE for them to attend a Christian university (of course, if they wanted to sport the red and white of the Pack that would be excellent, too!!)

It was bittersweet to see Tingneingak again (she is Tingneitling's sister)! You can best believe that we sent HUNDREDS of hugs for each one of them to take back to the babes in India, especially Ting!

We drove home Sunday night after the concert and rolled in shortly before 1 am.

Then we were on the road again by 9 am to pick up my niece and nephew for a few days of fun with all the cousins!


Madison, Landon, Wilson, Hampton and Austyn

Notice the boys on the ladder...need I say more?

The girls are taking a break from giggling to pose (with Andrea,the neighbor) for a photo. Check out those socks on Landon....did I mention she was in soccer camp this week, too? As if we needed another thing to do this week!! Haven't I taken a bible study a time or ten on overloading the schedule and priorities or something?? Where is Beth Moore when you need her?

OKAY, so the boys aren't posing or giggling...they were just having fun and didn't want to be interrupted for a photo op. Its been a great week and the kids have loved visiting with Mae and the Hamster. They never get to spend much time with them since we have moved away.

Does he look more like Jon than my children or am I dreaming?? I love it!

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"May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the mighty Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace" Numbers 6:24-26