Saturday, April 26, 2008

Divine Inspiration

In case you ever forget that the God of this whole Universe really does care about little ol' you...let me share a first-hand account of his intense desire to not only love us, but to be the lover of our souls (OK, I am a little dramatic today, but this one really got me.)
This morning we had a ladies tea at our church. Feeling the need to serve in some capacity..I did what every good church going woman would do: I volunteered to decorate and host a table at this little event. No big deal, huh? Well, for anyone who knows me, they know this is not my cup of tea (pardon the pun) and I am HGTV challenged. I was feeling a little nervous about the decoration aspect and the pressure was intensified Tuesday morning after bible study and I laid eyes on photos of the tables that had been done in the past. I panicked. I kept wondering how I could bail on the whole thing in some proper etiquette sort of way...
I am embarrassed to admit that after a few hours of really trying to figure this whole thing out..I began to pray (or whine) and ask God to help me. I was totally at a loss. I dragged the girls with me to a discount store and immediately saw a simple potted fuchsia orchid. Perfect. Before I knew it I had a whole theme rolling and was only missing a few little details. One, being a third orchid for balance. Once again, I whispered a small prayer, and there in the very back of the store I spotted one more orchid that someone had left on a shelf in the automotive department (yep). I was beginning to breathe a little easier. Everything fell together with relative ease and with inspiration that came from some place I did not even know I possessed.
Wanna see what can happen when the Lover of Our Souls sees one of his children in distress (even if it seems stupid at the time)?

His word says He will never leave us or forsake us, and I am so encouraged to know that this includes those tiny moments in our lives where we just need to have some details laid out for us.

I think I will be spending my next "tea time" with royalty.

The King of Kings.

Oh, and by the way, guess whose table won a prize for best decorated?
"Martha, Martha you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken away from her."
Luke 10:41-42


Dana said...

How beautiful! I would give anything to have a "cup of tea" and spend some time with you.

Dawn :) said...

Oh my dear friend..I do miss you!

Mandy said...

You did an awesome job!! You do have some HGTV skills.

"May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the mighty Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace" Numbers 6:24-26