Monday, August 6, 2007


Yipppppeeeee! I am doing the happy dance!!!
We just got an email from the director of adoptions at our home study agency (Lutheran Family Services) stating that we were on GO!! That means our study and all of its contents should be on their way to Korea and our son is one step closer to being home.
In short, this was a modern day miracle. Both of the agencies involved had rules regulating the insurance coverage that a family had to have, and we were having trouble obtaining a policy while in the process of adopting. It is much like trying to get coverage while pregnant. They just kept saying it was too risky. It was frustrating for us and we didn't see a way around this. I just kept praying Isaiah 45:2 over our son and the circumstances. It reads, "I will go before you and make the rough places smooth. I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through THEIR iron bars".
Boy, did He ever. All we have to do now is sign a statement saying we will cover our family as soon as he arrives. This decision was made by all of the Executive Directors and the USCIS (Customs and Immigration) about your iron bars!!
Thank you to all who prayed, even when I didn't think I was going to make it. Thank you to Peg from Children's Home Society and Alice from Lutheran for going to bat for Jae Ho and the Lucas family. I can't begin to express what a relief this is.....
But, most of all I want to give glory to the Maker of Heaven and Earth and the one who called Stephen by name three and a half years ago!!! You are Hashem (the renown), El Roi (the God who sees me)
Jehovah Jireh ( the God who provides), The Father to the fatherless and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Fear not, for I am with you. I will bring thy seed from the East, and gather you from the West.
Stephen Isaiah (43:5) Jae Ho Lucas

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Yay! Yay! Yay!
I'm encouraged by your post!!!
I know you'll be in Korea before me, so please give my little Jung Woo a hug from his Mommy and tell your son that another one of his friends will join him in the U.S.!

"May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the mighty Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace" Numbers 6:24-26