Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Snakes, caterpillars and strays........

Our house has been creature central this past week. Some have been invited and some have not been. This one in particular can go right on back to where it came from.

Its one thing to assume there are snakes crawling in and around your yard..its a different icky feeling when the evidence is as plain as the nose on your face. YUCK!

This nasty reptile was caught in the netting that secures the bank of the creek beside our house. Dickie and Wilson were the first to spot it, of course.

Crocodile Dundee decided he would cut open the snake to investigate..did you wonder where Wilson inherited his barbaric tendencies? Boy, this drew a crowd up and down the street. I just knew he was going to suggest we cook it over an open flame. The funniest thing was the innocent neighbor passing by who almost tripped over the carcass that Jon had laid right by the outgoing trash receptacle...she then turned to inform us by saying "Did you know there was a dead snake right here?" with a clearly disturbed tone. The kiddos got so tickled they had to run inside quickly.

Finally, Wilson's painted lady caterpillars arrived in the mail. We thought it would be neat to see them form a cocoon and transform into a lovely butterfly. Who says we don't know how to party at the Lucas house? What could be more fun than watching a cocoon? Here is Wil checking out the larvae for the first time.

Since these photos were taken, six small creatures have reduced to three huge creatures..you do the math. I know we had one Houdini, but who knows about the other two?

They have since formed wonderful cocoons and we are watching each day to see how they change.

As if we are not already taking care of enough...Jon decided that the emaciated stray living in the woods needed to eat late one night. Guess what happened? Lets just say we named him Murray. Wilson loves him and makes sure that he is getting fatter every day. That's all fine..but he WILL NOT make himself at home on the inside....Anyone want a nice kitty?

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"May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the mighty Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace" Numbers 6:24-26