Saturday, June 9, 2007

Dawg Days of Summer

Swimming pool..... $149.00


3,800 Gallons of water......$65.00

Having a pool to swim in on the first Saturday of the summer at 8:30 a.m.....


Well, its not the neighborhood pool we are used to, but it is a wee bit closer than the ocean. Day one with the pool has seen over 15 visitors and killed 6 perfectly clean beach towels, but the kids have had a blast!!

Star Spangled Sassy! Landon was the self appointed spirit girl and showed off her patriotism on field day for school. Stars on her hat, stars on her shirt, stars on her socks even!

Wilson was none too thrilled to have his photo taken after his first grade awards ceremony....he was ready to get on with the watermelon seed spitting contest! He was awarded the trophy for outstanding achievements in math and science. Go figure, he is already better at math than his mom. Way to go Wil!

You might be able to make out our oldest and first middle schooler as she exits the stage (it was so dark in the gymnasium)... Austyn had a wonderful year! We were so proud of her and all that she accomplished this year considering she had to step out alone in a new city at a new school and as a sixth grader. She managed to maintain straight A's all school year with the exception of one B, in chorus of all things! She still begs me to home school her. She has been known to tell the neighbors that once Stephen is home I will keep her home to help out around the house and just let her do her schooling while she is here. Where does she get such ideas? I've already admitted Wilson was better at math than me.....

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"May the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the mighty Lord lift up His countenance on you and give you peace" Numbers 6:24-26